A snapshot of our work
OrganiseUs takes on creative projects that foster positive change. We help organisations working for social and environmental change — from charities to political parties, unions to social enterprises, and businesses looking to invest in a better world — to grow movements, influence policies and win campaigns. Here is some of our work.
#StopAdani is Australia’s biggest ever campaign — over 1.5 million Australians — working together to stop the construction of one of the world’s biggest coal mines, near the Great Barrier Reef.
Digital strategy development for the distributed campaign
Digital technology implementation
Social media strategy, graphic design + management
Oxfam in Asia is part of a diverse and powerful global movement of change-makers working to create a world that is secure, just, and free from poverty.
Regional Influencing Strategy co-design
Research + facilitation
Practical MEAL framework development
Greenpeace AustRalia
Greenpeace’s REenergise campaign is calling on some of Australia’s biggest electricity using companies to make the switch to 100% renewable electricity.
LinkedIn strategy development
Social media management + advertising
Content + graphic design
Bob Brown Foundation
The Bob Brown Foundation successfully campaigned against the Australian Government and the Australian Antarctic Division’s plans to build an airport in Antarctica.
Campaign strategy facilitation + design
Communication strategy + messaging development
Content planning + design
Victoria Government
Community Power Hubs is a $3.73 million Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning + Sustainability Victoria program to accelerate Victoria’s transition to renewable energy.
Customised training program for Community Power Hubs
Digital strategy
Communication + content design
350 Australia
350.org Australia required a creative campaign brand jam for their NAB divestment campaign, pressuring NAB to rule out financing new oil and gas projects, in line with NAB’s climate commitments.
Creative brand concept designs
Logo, billboard + social media design assets
Australian Financial Review full-page ad design
Live4Life is an award-winning program that is saving young lives in rural communities through mental health education and suicide prevention.
Communications action plan development + implementation
Digital, media + public relations strategy design
Media, social media + storytelling training
For the Senate Inquiry into Media Diversity, GetUp launched the report ‘Who Controls our Media? The impact of media concentration on democracy’.
Research report project management
Substantive copywriting + copyediting
Graphic design + typesetting
transparency international
Transparency International works in over 100 countries to end corruption. The Global Corruption Barometer records people’s experience of corruption in 10 Pacific countries and territories.
Digital campaign training (Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Vanuatu)
Campaign messaging development
Global Corruption Barometer launch digital support
Environmental Defenders Office is a national legal centre using the law to protect wildlife, people, and places. EDO required the development of a Communications Strategy to support their work.
Facilitate communication strategy development process
Strategy planning
Communication strategy, messaging guides + content plan
We love hearing about upcoming projects, campaign ideas and training needs.
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